They is a dream, a surreal nightmare which sends a shock right to the heart of our cultural complacency.
As you read it you should remember that the men and women who live and die in it might easily be you.
Those who struggle in its pages to maintain their reason, their sanity, their capacity to love and hope, are not so far removed from our own and, as we fondly imagine, unruffled lives.
As bureaucracy and governmental control proliferate, Kay Dick pleads for the individual and intellectual freedoms which are so rapidly being eroded. Her book is both a poignant celebration of these values and an anguished caveat.
They is a dream, a surreal nightmare which sends a shock right to the heart of our cultural complacency.
As you read it you should remember that the men and women who live and die in it might easily be you.
Those who struggle in its pages to maintain their reason, their sanity, their capacity to love and hope, are not so far removed from our own and, as we fondly imagine, unruffled lives.
As bureaucracy and governmental control proliferate, Kay Dick pleads for the individual and intellectual freedoms which are so rapidly being eroded. Her book is both a poignant celebration of these values and an anguished caveat.