The Memory of Memories is the production art book for Memories, a collection of three short anime films. They are Magnetic Rose directed by Koji Morimoto, Stink Bomb by Tensai Okamura and lastly Cannon Fodder by Katsuhiro Otomo. This book is in Japanese and bulk of the text should be production notes and interviews.
This art book contains the character designs, storyboards, coloured illustrations, background art and film stills.
The Memory of Memories is the production art book for Memories, a collection of three short anime films. They are Magnetic Rose directed by Koji Morimoto, Stink Bomb by Tensai Okamura and lastly Cannon Fodder by Katsuhiro Otomo. This book is in Japanese and bulk of the text should be production notes and interviews.
This art book contains the character designs, storyboards, coloured illustrations, background art and film stills.