Paris Allison, a young sailor during the Korean War, is confronted with a series of difficult moral decisions...and always ends up making the worst choice possible. Although he never intends harm, his bad judgment gets the best of him at every turn, leaving a wake of death and bitterness that fails to change the course of his life...until the child Tom has never known decides to take fate into his own hands and get the revenge he feels he deserves. A cautionary story about moral indifference that is both haunting and mesmerizing in its fatalism.
Paris Allison, a young sailor during the Korean War, is confronted with a series of difficult moral decisions...and always ends up making the worst choice possible. Although he never intends harm, his bad judgment gets the best of him at every turn, leaving a wake of death and bitterness that fails to change the course of his life...until the child Tom has never known decides to take fate into his own hands and get the revenge he feels he deserves. A cautionary story about moral indifference that is both haunting and mesmerizing in its fatalism.