Appropriate green technologies are sometimes regarded as a second-rate solution but Hands On Technology challenges this concept by presenting real-life examples of successful appropriate technology stories from around the world. This video package allows students at Key Stage 4 to explore issues behind the production of goods from around the world. Produced by ITDG in collaboration with Television Trust for the Environment , it offers the chance to extend the students' understanding of the issues around sustainability. It contains six case studies and is supported by teacher notes and student activities. Based on TVE's award winning environmental series of programmes Hands On Earth Report.
Appropriate green technologies are sometimes regarded as a second-rate solution but Hands On Technology challenges this concept by presenting real-life examples of successful appropriate technology stories from around the world. This video package allows students at Key Stage 4 to explore issues behind the production of goods from around the world. Produced by ITDG in collaboration with Television Trust for the Environment , it offers the chance to extend the students' understanding of the issues around sustainability. It contains six case studies and is supported by teacher notes and student activities. Based on TVE's award winning environmental series of programmes Hands On Earth Report.