The Teach Yourself History series offers an alternative to academic historical books, its content being extensive yet extremely accessible and the approach refreshingly different. The books are informative and compelling, and engage the reader from beginning to end. They assume no prior historical knowledge, and are full of anecdotes and details that provide a very personal appeal. Teach Yourself The Cold War provides a fascinating insight into this complicated and hidden conflict, from how it began to the main characters involved and the culture it created. It will help you understand how the super powers grew and vied for dominance, and how the balance was lost. It covers all the important aspects of the war, from what JFK and his assassin had in common to discussing whether the tension ended after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Give yourself the opportunity to understand the global reach of this 45-year-long war, which shaped the latter half of the twentieth century.
The Teach Yourself History series offers an alternative to academic historical books, its content being extensive yet extremely accessible and the approach refreshingly different. The books are informative and compelling, and engage the reader from beginning to end. They assume no prior historical knowledge, and are full of anecdotes and details that provide a very personal appeal. Teach Yourself The Cold War provides a fascinating insight into this complicated and hidden conflict, from how it began to the main characters involved and the culture it created. It will help you understand how the super powers grew and vied for dominance, and how the balance was lost. It covers all the important aspects of the war, from what JFK and his assassin had in common to discussing whether the tension ended after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Give yourself the opportunity to understand the global reach of this 45-year-long war, which shaped the latter half of the twentieth century.