Three stories featuring Tinker Bell, Dulcie, Prilla, Vidia, and the rest of the Fairies of Pixie Hollow. In this volume of fun-filled adventures, Dulcie teaches her friends not to take things for granted, a magic shell turn Tinker Bell purple, and for the first time in Papercutz’ DISNEY FAIRIES graphic novels, Peter Pan appears in Pixie Hollow! Plus: the return of Captain Hook and his bumbling crew of pirates.
Three stories featuring Tinker Bell, Dulcie, Prilla, Vidia, and the rest of the Fairies of Pixie Hollow. In this volume of fun-filled adventures, Dulcie teaches her friends not to take things for granted, a magic shell turn Tinker Bell purple, and for the first time in Papercutz’ DISNEY FAIRIES graphic novels, Peter Pan appears in Pixie Hollow! Plus: the return of Captain Hook and his bumbling crew of pirates.