This book is a collaborative writing adventure. Eight authors from around the world have each added to the story line in their own twisting of the tale. None knew where the story would lead or how it would end. The joint undertaking was much like the children's game 'Broken Telephone'. The wonderful twists and turns weave the tale into a thrilling and surprising adventure of a young boy named Eyal. All of the proceeds, from the sale of this book are to be donated to the children's ward of the Baruch Padeh Hospital in Israel.
This book is a collaborative writing adventure. Eight authors from around the world have each added to the story line in their own twisting of the tale. None knew where the story would lead or how it would end. The joint undertaking was much like the children's game 'Broken Telephone'. The wonderful twists and turns weave the tale into a thrilling and surprising adventure of a young boy named Eyal. All of the proceeds, from the sale of this book are to be donated to the children's ward of the Baruch Padeh Hospital in Israel.