Based on the critically acclaimed BATMAN animated series, this book is Illustrated in an animated style that reflects the design and mood of the TV series. The Joker enlists the help of the Penguin and Catwoman to bring his dastardly plot to air a televised unmasking of the Batman about. Also includes two more complete storylines-one in which Batman foils the Scarecrow's nefarious doings, and another in which Bruce Wayne is embroiled in a murder plot.
Based on the critically acclaimed BATMAN animated series, this book is Illustrated in an animated style that reflects the design and mood of the TV series. The Joker enlists the help of the Penguin and Catwoman to bring his dastardly plot to air a televised unmasking of the Batman about. Also includes two more complete storylines-one in which Batman foils the Scarecrow's nefarious doings, and another in which Bruce Wayne is embroiled in a murder plot.