Our Legal Path Property Law summarizes/analyzes all of the cases in the Dukeminier casebook. The Legal Path series delivers case briefs that are KEYED, concise and to the point. Each case in the textbook is summarized in a concise, easy-to-understand, 1 or 2 page-per-case layout using the IRAC format including the facts of the case. The Legal Path series of books give you only what you need to understand the case, without the added "legalese." Beyond the black letter law presentation alone, the Legal Path series delivers what you need to intelligently discuss a case in lecture and perform expertly on an exam.
Our Legal Path Property Law summarizes/analyzes all of the cases in the Dukeminier casebook. The Legal Path series delivers case briefs that are KEYED, concise and to the point. Each case in the textbook is summarized in a concise, easy-to-understand, 1 or 2 page-per-case layout using the IRAC format including the facts of the case. The Legal Path series of books give you only what you need to understand the case, without the added "legalese." Beyond the black letter law presentation alone, the Legal Path series delivers what you need to intelligently discuss a case in lecture and perform expertly on an exam.