. This groundbreaking lesson was recorded in 1984, when the now world-renowned Mark O'Connor was just 22 years old. He teaches the three fiddle tunes a player would need for most fiddle contests: a breakdown ; a waltz ; and a tune of choice . The techniques and stylistic nuances that Mark covers on this extraordinary session will benefit all learning fiddle players. Extra: Each tune is performed, contest-style, by Mark and a crack Nashville band. LEVEL 4 * INCLUDES MUSIC BOOKLET ON DISC * 60 MIN.
. This groundbreaking lesson was recorded in 1984, when the now world-renowned Mark O'Connor was just 22 years old. He teaches the three fiddle tunes a player would need for most fiddle contests: a breakdown ; a waltz ; and a tune of choice . The techniques and stylistic nuances that Mark covers on this extraordinary session will benefit all learning fiddle players. Extra: Each tune is performed, contest-style, by Mark and a crack Nashville band. LEVEL 4 * INCLUDES MUSIC BOOKLET ON DISC * 60 MIN.